The 10 Best Items to Flip on eBay


Obtaining items from thrift stores and charity shops to sell later on eBay, can be an astonishingly good method to create an extra income stream. However, making one wrong investment is a problem which can deplete months of earning, so it is best to focus on the basics and things that sell quickly on eBay. Hence, there are smart decisions that need to be made when purchasing to sell

Branded tech 
Typically any gadget with the brand name Sony, Samsung or Apple demand a higher price than equivalent items without these brand names. 

Video Games

Video games have over the years, increased in price and not every gamer is able to purchase these updated and new games due to budget constraints, so stores like Amazon and eBay are visited in a bid to find a bargain.

eBay Flips

A major attraction to video games buying and selling is its ability to provide a market for every genre and game style. Normally, once a video game is listed for sale at an acceptable price, a buyer quickly appears. Online sellers are able to concentrate on a certain niche, like retro video games, genres or just purchase and sell new games.

Sellers could also watch for limited and rare releases, as there are some video games that can bring a decent return, should they be purchased at a good price. Taking all of this into account, video games are one of the most lucrative items to trade on Amazon and eBay.


Most people typically think there isn’t a market for hardcopy books, since the advent of tablets and e-readers. However, book readers are traditionalists and stick to having a physical product in hand when reading.

eBay Flips

Online retailers such as Amazon, have seen stable sales of books, and sellers online can purchase preowned books in wholesale lots for a decent price. Of course, in some cases, only a small profit margin might be available, but this is all dependent on the book being sold. Nevertheless, with increased experience in locating the genres and authors that are most sought for, sellers are bound to see an increase in profit margin.

Fashion always runs in trends and items like shorts, dresses and jeans can bring a quick return on any investment made. This is particularly true for famous brands such as Topshop and ASOS.

Electronic Tablets

Tablets, just as video games can be costly. However, there’s been an increased number of tablets released to cater to lower budgets. The market for refurbished tablets to be sold at a lower price is growing every day.

There are numerous drop-shipping firms and wholesalers which offer an array of varying models, all with different specifications. The market for classic gaming tablets is also available. These tablets have been converted to function as a gaming console for classic and retro games. Research is necessary to find the models with the best appraisals, and those that provide the greatest monetary value.


Surprisingly, bicycles are and have always been an item that sells on sites like Amazon and eBay. They have a large market in which sellers can take advantage of.  There are also numerous niche markets like high-end bicycles. Sellers may need to hire a trusted carrier to handle logistical issues, but when factored in can help attain a sizeable profit. There are different ways to initially purchase bicycles.

eBay Flips

Damaged bicycles can be purchased, be repaired and then sold on. Sellers can also form a partnership with a bicycle wholesaler, to forward the bicycles for them. This is can be great for the customer as it is more expedient and convenient for them but for the seller, it minimizes profit margin. It really is down to the online seller on which strategy best suits them. The good thing is once marketed properly, they should be able to attain a substantial profit margin.


Fitness gear over the years have become popular, so football, running, yoga, and golf equipment’s are worth listing online.

Stuffed Animals

Contrary to popular belief, stuffed animals have become extremely popular over the years and it has come to a head in 2018, with interest from enthusiasts and collectors alike increasing demand to levels not formerly associated with stuffed animals. Because of this, listing on sites such as eBay and Craigslist are enthusiastically explored, culminating in items being sold rapidly.

eBay Flips

A good piece of advice is to locate suppliers with a focus on animals from TV shows and movies. These typically are sold quickly, more so if they are in great condition. Furthermore, prospective sellers have to be on the lookout for collectible and rare animals, as these animals usually command an outstanding price, as their values are speculated over time.


some of the searches for shoes show names like Spot On, New Look, and Clark, which is a great identifier for which shoes to sell. This is great as a pair of shoes is sold every twelve seconds.


Since its invention, Lego bricks are as famous as they have ever been and there is a huge market for them. Though the modern movie-themed Lego packs can be profitable, more money can be made from the massive retro Lego collections from past decades. Various children in past years had buckets full of Lego. Collectors are always aiming to increase their collection by adding retro/classic Lego bricks. The best way to start is to head to social networks and forums to find anybody willing to sell their collection. The ease at which Lego can be located, helps it make the list of profitable items to sell. Profit can be generated online by selling Lego. Modern Lego sets can also be bought and sold, however, it is imperative to note any absent pieces. This helps to adjust the price at which the Lego is sold.


These are just some of the items that can be sold online to create an additional revenue stream. With so many niches within particular items, there is a market for every seller, which in turn means a buyer.